Friday, October 18, 2013

5 Easy Ways to Make a Great Opening Paragraph Attention Readers

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What is the second most important part of your post after the title ? In this order, there is no doubt is the opening paragraph . Once the importance of the opening paragraph ( about 50 words ) makes an expert copywriter Eugene Schwart often spent up to a week to make . Why is important opening paragraph ?Imagine how disappointed you if you do not read article pillars entirely by simply because the opening paragraph that does not attract attention . However , if your opening paragraph interesting , it's like the door wide open so that readers are happy to enter the " house " ( kesuluruhan post ) you .Here are the ways that you can use to create an opening paragraph that the reader's attention :1 . Ask a QuestionOpen your post with a question is a means to carry on a conversation with the reader . With this conversation means there is two-way communication between you and the reader .2 . Serve anecdote or quotationAnecdote is a funny story that makes the reader laugh , and lure them to immediately know what the main points of your writing . Meanwhile , a quote from an expert or famous person is a proof ( bait ) are accurate .3 . Open mind or memory readerOpen mind ( memory ) reader is a powerful opening technique . This can be done by using words such as Imagine ... , What happens ... , Do you remember when ... , and so on .4 . Use metaphor ( analogy )Likens it to something real important in everyday life will make it easier to read digest what the main points of your post .5 . The data show a surprisingOpening paragraph with surprising data ( eg you gain page rank 6 in 2 months ) is a wonderful technique . Long as they are relevant and do not lie , readers will be interested and loved as one of the important needs of bloggers is a high page rank blog .Of the five that way , you can choose one of them or combine in some way to make the opening paragraph of your post . As a closing question , of five means that I have presented , which means nothing in the opening paragraphs of this post ?

10 Indicators of Success Blog - Which is the Most Important do you think ?

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Having a successful blog is every blogger 's dream . Not surprisingly , a lot of bloggers who are working hard to make this happen . For every blogger , success is relative depending on what targets to be achieved . Regardless, at least there are 10 indicators ( size ) successful blog .Below is a brief explanation .1 . number of visitorsWhat happens when a blog is not visited by visitors ? It could be like a haunted house in the woods . Therefore , bloggers fighting tooth and nail to bring visitors to his blog as much as possible . More and more visitors are coming ( say, a thousand people per day ) , the greater the chances of attracting advertisers .2 . number of customersJudging from the type of channel , there are two types of clients: customer RSS feed ( via Feedburner , blogline , etc. ) and newsletter subscribers ( via AWeber , iContact , etc. ) . The blog visitors voluntarily subscribe to an RSS feed because they feel he visited the blog content is very useful so he wanted to know the next post without the need to go back and forth to find out the latest post on the blog .In the meantime , subscribe for newsletter subscribers interested in eBooks , software , or tools are distributed free of charge .Regardless of the topics covered , the number of RSS subscribers are increasingly indicate that the content of a blog is very useful . The same applies to the number of newsletter subscribers .3 . The amount of the original postThe amount of the original post showed high productivity and professionalism of managers blog . Why ? Many bloggers are doing a copy and paste and steal another blogger posts ( via AGC ) . They are unproductive and unprofessional , is not it?4 . number of commentsWith the exception of comments do follow the system , a high number of comments shows how visitors respond topic posts . The more interesting or controversial a post , so the more comments it gets.5 . The number of fans on Facebook PageFacebook Page is a bridge between Facebookers and bloggers . If a facebooker like button , then the link will appear in the latest posting his account . As well as the number of customers , more and more fans showed that the relevant blog content more useful .6 . number of tweetsIn addition to Facebook , Twitter is a social network that is widely used today. Twitter users tweet spoiled by the facilities installed on the blog . If he feels the post is very useful and interesting read , then he would voluntarily tweet button in the hope these postings is known by his followers . Again , the more tweets , the more quality and the writing quality .7 . Page rankHigh page rank increase blog prestige in the eyes of bloggers or advertisers . Many bloggers who want to exchange links with blogs that berpage rank high page rank blogs that up too . For advertisers , blog rank high berpage is targeted to buy text link ads .8 . Alexa RankThis indicator is similar to page rank . The higher Alexa rank ( eg, below 50 thousand ) , the more prestigious blog too concerned .9 . number of backlinksAs well as number of subscribers , Facebook fans , and tweet , the number of backlinks is closely related to the quality of the content . Many bloggers who post a link to back other people because they feel it would be beneficial to writing his blog visitors . Therefore , the more backlinks , the better .10 . moneyThe more money generated more convenient for the blogger . In it, there are bloggers who use an elegant manner , and there is also the opposite . Elegant way do not interfere with the comfort of visitors , not copyright infringement, did not perform black - hat , and the like .

Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Determine Cost Banner Ad on Your Blog

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If your blog already has enough traffic ( eg 1000 unique visitors a day ) , you certainly can provide banner advertising on your blog . In this condition, you may be asking yourself : " How much the ad cost ? " If you do not already know , below are two common ways to determine the cost of advertising .
Both ways it is a CPM -based and fixed price .
1 . CPM -based
CPM stands for cost per mille , where advertisers are charged per 1000 page views . Itself in Latin mille means thousand .
For example , you define $ 0.1 CPM for a banner ad 125 x 125 in the sidebar above . If your blog generating 200,000 page views a month , then you are the one banner spot price of $ 20 ( 200.000/1.000 x $ 0.1 ) . You just convert this amount at the exchange rate prevailing when you use the currency.
What if you offer banner spot larger size , eg 300 x 250 ?
Because of its size 2 times greater than the spot 125 x 125 , so the price is double that at $ 40 a month . Similarly, the size of the others , you just multiply the size of the banner at a price of 125 x 125 banner .
CPM -based pricing is commonly used by foreign blogs . This is because many foreign advertisers are willing to pay top dollar to advertise their products or services in high traffic blog . The domestic blogs typically use fixed price .
2 . fixed price
Bersipat advertising costs of this system remains , does not depend on the number of page views per month . For example , $ 10 for a 125 x 125 banner spot every month even though your blog page views go up or down each month .
From which emerged the figure $ 10 ? Everything is determined by their respective blog owners . In other words , according to their respective tastes .
My Experience
I use a fixed-price system for advertising banner in Blogotainmen ( update : this blog is my clear) . In determining the price , I see the price of banner advertising on other blogs .
If these blogs famous and huge page views per month , then I set half of their advertising rates . For example , the price of their ads are $ 10 for a 125 x 125 banner in the sidebar per month , then the cost of a banner that same spot on my blog for $ 5 per month .
At this stage , my judgment is that the advertisers want to advertise on Blogotainmen . The next stage , perhaps I will set a price equal to their price .
By the way , for those of you who are monetizing their blogs with banner ads , how do you determine the cost of these ads ?

How to Be Confident Blogger

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One of the obstacles perceived beginner blogger is less confident . The symptoms can be always called himself a beginner ( newbie ) , considers other people more powerful than himself , shame express ideas or opinions , and so on . A lack of confidence is indeed natural for beginners , but less natural that kept confined in such conditions . Then , how to be a confident blogger ?
There are many theories and ways , but in this post I will share three ways that help me generate confidence . I believe these three ways you can adapt and apply . The third way is :
1 . Set a target blogging
Set targets are aligned blogging with your blogging goals . Do not make a target of low and very easily accessible . Make high targets that can toss your confidence if you can achieve it . Write the specific targets and deadlines set .
For example , you can specify the target :

Earn U.S. $ 1000 from Google Adsense started in July 2011
RSS subscribers reached 1,000 in December 2011 .
Wrote 300 posts in the next three months .
2 . Do one small step
Target is a " display " if it is not accompanied by measures . Because of the need to achieve the target time and energy , then do it one small step . For example , if you want to set a target of earning U.S. $ 1,000 per month from Google Adsense , then start to improve your SEO skills or increase the number of posts on your blog .
Failures may appear in small steps that you do , but if you're used to fix it , it will be whatever obstacle you overcome .
3 . Find a mentor or role model
Inevitably, mentor or role model is very important to increase confidence. It mainly deals with the effectiveness and efficiency of your time and energy . Therefore , look for a mentor or role model who can help you in achieving the target .
Ask for advice from him , subscribe to his blog RSS , buy ebook that sells, or follow online training has collected. Thus , the experience and the positive values ​​of a mentor or role model that will make you more advanced .
For example , one of my role models is a blogger Daniel Scocco . So I subscribe to RSS blogs and online trainee has collected ( ) . Experience and training material and add insight Daniel gives to me that evoke confidence in achieving the target .
Hopefully these three tips above to help you become a confident blogger .

13 Things to Make Your Blog Popular and Successful

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Imagine if your blog is well known and well liked ( popular ) . Besides , imagine your blog is also successful ( success ) from the income side , the community , and others. I 'm sure you are very easy to imagine.
However , how to make your blog popular and successful ? If you do not have any ideas , 13 the following can help you achieve it .
1 . value content
Your content should provide value for your blog visitors . This value may be ways of doing things ( tutorials ) , the latest information from your blog topic , the results of your experiment , and so on . Essentially , any topic of his blog , you should ensure that readers get something from your blog .2 . unique content
How to make content worth ? Many bloggers are taking a shortcut by copying posts from other blogs , news sites , and social sites .
Posts like it is worth , however, is not unique because it already exists elsewhere . When visitors know that you are writing copy results from a variety of places , sooner or later they will leave your blog because they prefer to visit the original source of your writing .
3 . consistency
Readers need to know when your most recent posts appear on your blog . Berapun frequency of your writing ( eg, 3 times a week ) , do consistently . In addition , consistent also with the topic of your blog ( do not stray from the topic of the beginning of the blog ) .
4 . persistence
Many bloggers are in the early days of blogging diligently making posts . A year later , they end up getting lazy and even temporary break ( hiatus ) with a variety of reasons . Sooner or later , as it will be left blog readers. The reason is simple : if you are not keen to make paper , so they do have a reason for not diligently visiting your blog .
5 . community
The social aspect is very important in the online world . Therefore , you must build a community around your blog so that readers feel a part of your blog . Way can build with replying to comments , replying to emails , provide a backlink , held a quiz / contest , chat , create polls , interviews , or visit behind .
6 . Being a guest blogger
Being a guest blogger on a blog is a great promotional tool and it's free . Besides getting quality backlinks , you will be known also by other blog readers ( who might not have been your blog reader ) .Factor appearance and usability blog
7 . Design a clean blog
Make navigation which can be easily recognized and used by visitors . Eliminate things that do not need and add at least claustrophobic look of the blog ( eg ad is too much ) .
8 . Brand ( Brand )
To understand this concept , what is in your mind when it dawned McDonald said . I 'm sure you think about a fast food restaurant with the slogan served in 1 minute , unique logo and mascot , the place is clean , friendly and servant - friendly .
From the illustration above , your blog must have a strong brand that online audiences in mind . Create a unique logo , tagline solid , favicon typical , unusual design blogs , and so on .9 . Most Popular posts
This post help new visitors find the best post on your blog . In addition , this post is also one way of attracting loyal visitors .
10 . Subject page ( About )
About the session has a good move . Why ? This is because the reader wants to know who's behind the blog owners or authors they read . By knowing it , the chances they will be familiar with the blog owner .
11 . contact page
Sometimes readers want to ask about things that are personal . Which helped them contact the hotel's courtyard . So , there's no reason you do not make the pages . If your users , please refer to how to create a contact page .
12 . Informative archive
Imagine lots of new visitors to your blog . They want to know your writings 6 months ago . However , they are frustrated because they do not find it. Therefore , make an informative archive so that visitors can find your old writings .
13 . Relatively fast loading blog
Have a fast loading blog very beneficial because visitors do not have long to wait to access your blog . Therefore , it might be wise to use the plugin , JavasScript , and iframe .
That's 13 things I observed there on blogs popular and successful we can learn . Are there additional from you ?
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13 Things to Make Your Blog Popular and Successful
Imagine if your blog is well known and well liked ( popular ) . Besides , imagine your blog is also successful ( success ) from the income side , the community , and others. I 'm sure you are very easy to imagine.
However , how to make your blog popular and successful ? If you do not have any ideas , 13 the following can help you achieve it .
1 . value content
Your content should provide value for your blog visitors . This value may be ways of doing things ( tutorials ) , the latest information from your blog topic , the results of your experiment , and so on . Essentially , any topic of his blog , you should ensure that readers get something from your blog .
2 . unique content
How to make content worth ? Many bloggers are taking a shortcut by copying posts from other blogs , news sites , and social sites .
Posts like it is worth , however, is not unique because it already exists elsewhere . When visitors know that you are writing copy results from a variety of places , sooner or later they will leave your blog because they prefer to visit the original source of your writing .
3 . consistency
Readers need to know when your most recent posts appear on your blog . Berapun frequency of your writing ( eg, 3 times a week ) , do consistently . In addition , consistent also with the topic of your blog ( do not stray from the topic of the beginning of the blog ) .
4 . persistence
Many bloggers are in the early days of blogging diligently making posts . A year later , they end up getting lazy and even temporary break ( hiatus ) with a variety of reasons . Sooner or later , as it will be left blog readers. The reason is simple : if you are not keen to make paper , so they do have a reason for not diligently visiting your blog .
5 . community
The social aspect is very important in the online world . Therefore , you must build a community around your blog so that readers feel a part of your blog . Way can build with replying to comments , replying to emails , provide a backlink , held a quiz / contest , chat , create polls , interviews , or visit behind .
6 . Being a guest blogger
Being a guest blogger on a blog is a great promotional tool and it's free . Besides getting quality backlinks , you will be known also by other blog readers ( who might not have been your blog reader ) .Factor appearance and usability blog
7 . Design a clean blog
Make navigation which can be easily recognized and used by visitors . Eliminate things that do not need and add at least claustrophobic look of the blog ( eg ad is too much ) .
8 . Brand ( Brand )
To understand this concept , what is in your mind when it dawned McDonald said . I 'm sure you think about a fast food restaurant with the slogan served in 1 minute , unique logo and mascot , the place is clean , friendly and servant - friendly .
From the illustration above , your blog must have a strong brand that online audiences in mind . Create a unique logo , tagline solid , favicon typical , unusual design blogs , and so on .
9 . Most Popular posts
This post help new visitors find the best post on your blog . In addition , this post is also one way of attracting loyal visitors .
10 . Subject page ( About )
About the session has a good move . Why ? This is because the reader wants to know who's behind the blog owners or authors they read . By knowing it , the chances they will be familiar with the blog owner .
11 . contact page
Sometimes readers want to ask about things that are personal . Which helped them contact the hotel's courtyard . So , there's no reason you do not make the pages . If your users , please refer to how to create a contact page .
12 . Informative archive
Imagine lots of new visitors to your blog . They want to know your writings 6 months ago . However , they are frustrated because they do not find it. Therefore , make an informative archive so that visitors can find your old writings .
13 . Relatively fast loading blog
Have a fast loading blog very beneficial because visitors do not have long to wait to access your blog . Therefore , it might be wise to use the plugin , JavasScript , and iframe .
That's 13 things I observed there on blogs popular and successful we can learn . Are there additional from you ?

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud As A Blogger

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When you tell a friend , boyfriend , or family that you are a blogger , they might be normal reactions and even underestimate . Most of them said that good bloggers to fill spare time . Others suggested that you focus on the job now or find a real job .
You may be stressed and demotivated blogging hear their response was . However , do not worry , your head up and tell them that you are proud as a blogger .
Why ?
10 This is the main reason .
1 . You are able to write
Many people who do not like to write . They would rather read or watch . As a blogger , you are different from them .
You can write as a condition of being a blogger is happy to write .
Your writing does not or has not been the best writer and journalist , but you are still ahead of those who are only able to read and watch .
2 . You know the science of marketing
Knowingly or not , as a blogger you know the science of marketing ( marketing ) . This is reflected by the way you make an interesting headline reading visitors , promote themselves through guest posts , giving quality comments while walking blog , create sales letter , SEO , and so on .
Your marketing knowledge may not be as good as Guenta K. , but you still deserve a star because many people are not familiar with marketing .
3 . You literacy latest technological developments
Right now we live in the information age , where information technology is developing rapidly . As a blogger , you must literacy development of the technology .
For example , you make a tutorial in video format and upload it to Youtube . You use Twitter to Twitter with your followers . Or , you use Facebook to promote your blog .
All the technology that should make you proud that , once again , not everyone can use it .
4 . You are a researcher
As a blogger , you are not just writing , but must also do some online research . This can be a search key words which if the much sought after visitors and generate profit for you . In addition , you also often find important information for problems that plagued your blog .
At this stage , you have to apply the usual principles of research scientists . Yes , you are a researcher or professor without a doctorate !
5 . You have a wide network
With whom you have established cooperation in real life ? How many of your colleague ?
By becoming a blogger , you expand the network indefinitely . You can work with Caucasians blogger , blogger novice , or even senior blogger .
6 . You are known to the public at large
You know Raditya Dika ? Yes , he was one of the celebrity blogger that Indonesia now has hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter . He also became actors in a TV show private .
By becoming a blogger , you could well known by the public and even interviewed by radio , newspaper , and TV as experienced Zizi Damanik of .
Compare if you are not a blogger , whether you will be known to the public at large?
7 . You apply psychological science
You certainly know that it is difficult for RSS subscribers . You also understand that making visitors feel at home and back again to your blog is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand .
This is where you apply psychological science is to study the behavior of your visitors via blog stats ( most popular posts , bounce rate , residence time , and so on ) . From these statistics , you identify the needs of visitors and serve as a tutorial or helpful information .
Once again , what you do is not easy and not everyone would do it .
8 . You 've got fans
Bibier know Justin ? I 'm sure you know . You also definitely see how this phenomenal teenage fans willing to queue and overcrowded to watch idol.
As a blogger , you also have fans that RSS or newsletter subscribers . Regardless of the many or at least your customers , they faithfully awaits your writing . They want to know what tips would you informed .
9 . You could make a fortune
You get rich from blogging . Do not believe ? Please see the 10 bloggers who make money billions of dollars each year . This fact suggests that bloggers could also rich as entrepreneurs or investors .
10 . you discipline
What happens if your blog is not updated and abandoned ? Surely traffic and revenue down , is not it? It will make you the discipline to make posts , reply to comments , and so on . Your discipline is certainly an important point because many people are not disciplined .
The ten reasons above are just a few reasons that make you proud as a blogger . Another reason could you have encountered on your blogging activities so you really confidently say to the people : I am a blogger !

Do not Give Up Because Having Difficulty Gonna Ease

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Imagine if all the posts that you created over a year inadvertently erased . Imagine also if your hosting account is disabled due to copyright infringement.
Further , suppose also your income from Google Adsense for $ 5 for 5 months . What do you imagine the unthinkable after such things ?
You may think that your dreams become a full time blogger no meaning anymore . Blogging was too much to do and not potentially make money . Just a waste of time .
If so mind you , it means the same to my mind when experiencing the things above .
However , I do not give up . I still live blogging activities and do their best according to their ability .
The result ? Little by little , I headed toward the better , ranging from the knowledge and blogging income .
The message I want to convey in this post is not to give up any face trials ( both offline and online ) . D' Boys tremendously motivating us in his song " Never Surrender " .
Her lyrics are always thrilling and motivating me is :
God would not it showgreatness and powerfor the servants who waitdesperate and do not know
Once again , do not give up . Do not be too easy to give in to the difficulties that exist .
The difficulties faced by doing our best . Rest assured , after hardship there is ease for sure !

How to Build a Blogging Network Mutually Beneficial

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A colleague of mine several times offered a position at another company , although he did not apply for the position. When I asked why it could happen , the colleague replied that he had a lot of friends or colleagues in several companies .
In other words , he built the network with many colleagues .
Does the network need to be in the world of blogging ? I would argue necessary .
Why ?
Because if you have a network with many bloggers , then they will be happy to post your membacklink , recommend your blog to other people , and even help sell products or services.How to build a blogging network
1 . Make a list of the bloggers who setopik with your blog
How many bloggers who should be on your list ? There is no default rule . Depending on your taste ( the more the better ) .
Then , how to find a blogger who setopik with your blog ? The easiest way to type in a topic of your blog on Google Blog . Another way is to blog walking .
2 . Introduce yourself
When you have made ​​a list of the bloggers , you have to introduce yourself to them . Use the email address or contact form them .
Below are the points when you introduce yourself :

Do not beat around the bush . Immediately inform that you contact them to introduce themselves .
Mention that your blog ( along with its URL ) has same topic with them .
Inform you that you love them and your blog content will link it .
Here is an example of a message to illustrate the points above .

Hello [ name of the blogger who contacted ] ,

I am contacting you to introduce yourself . My name is .... [ your name ] , and I also have a blog on the topic ... [ topic of your blog ] . The URL is ...

It is my view that your content is very interesting , and I would recommend some of the content to the readers of my blog .

Warmest regards ,

[ Your name ]
3 . Link ( trackback ) some of their posts
Fixed rule of networking is to give before receiving . If you want the bloggers to link to your blog or your post , link or blog post - was their first.
Melinknya way can make a link or post the link in your relevant post . If you do not post a link in the trackback or pingback tracked them , then you have to do is inform via email or contact form .
4 . their prop
In addition to linking their content , you also have to support them in other ways . Here are some examples :

Recommend them to your blog
Recommend products or services of their
they interviewed
Submit posts that you think they beneficial to social sites ( facebook , tweeter , Traffic News , and so on )
5 . Qualified Postings inform you to them
When you make a quality post , the post is to inform them via email or contact form . In contacting them , asking them to avoid linking to the text. You just mentioned that they would like the post .
The following examples illustrate the message that the above statement :

Hello [ name of the blogger who contacted ] ,

I just made ​​a post titled ....... [ name of your post ] . I am optimistic that you like it . The URL is .....


[ Your name ]
With this approach , they will be happy to read your post ( without coercion ) . If they liked the post , they are likely melinknya .
If they do not melinknya , you do not despair . Continue making quality posts and repeat the 3rd to 5th . Sooner or later they will be backing you post a link .
In principle , building a blog network is giving before receiving . By applying the above five ways , sooner or later you will get blogging network .