Friday, October 11, 2013

How to Be Confident Blogger

One of the obstacles perceived beginner blogger is less confident . The symptoms can be always called himself a beginner ( newbie ) , considers other people more powerful than himself , shame express ideas or opinions , and so on . A lack of confidence is indeed natural for beginners , but less natural that kept confined in such conditions . Then , how to be a confident blogger ?
There are many theories and ways , but in this post I will share three ways that help me generate confidence . I believe these three ways you can adapt and apply . The third way is :
1 . Set a target blogging
Set targets are aligned blogging with your blogging goals . Do not make a target of low and very easily accessible . Make high targets that can toss your confidence if you can achieve it . Write the specific targets and deadlines set .
For example , you can specify the target :

Earn U.S. $ 1000 from Google Adsense started in July 2011
RSS subscribers reached 1,000 in December 2011 .
Wrote 300 posts in the next three months .
2 . Do one small step
Target is a " display " if it is not accompanied by measures . Because of the need to achieve the target time and energy , then do it one small step . For example , if you want to set a target of earning U.S. $ 1,000 per month from Google Adsense , then start to improve your SEO skills or increase the number of posts on your blog .
Failures may appear in small steps that you do , but if you're used to fix it , it will be whatever obstacle you overcome .
3 . Find a mentor or role model
Inevitably, mentor or role model is very important to increase confidence. It mainly deals with the effectiveness and efficiency of your time and energy . Therefore , look for a mentor or role model who can help you in achieving the target .
Ask for advice from him , subscribe to his blog RSS , buy ebook that sells, or follow online training has collected. Thus , the experience and the positive values ​​of a mentor or role model that will make you more advanced .
For example , one of my role models is a blogger Daniel Scocco . So I subscribe to RSS blogs and online trainee has collected ( ) . Experience and training material and add insight Daniel gives to me that evoke confidence in achieving the target .
Hopefully these three tips above to help you become a confident blogger .

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